Thursday, December 18, 2008

*Rabecca Miskimen* LUPUS

The picture to the left is a picture of a sign of lupus which usually increases with the sunlight.

The site I am doing this summery over is . I will tell you why I picked Lupus. The reason why I picked Lupus is because I actually want to learn more about it because my sister, Tasha, has it.
The three words that I really don't know are:
1. Inflammatory- relating to or causing inflammation of a part of the body.
2. Erythematosus- superficial reddening of the skin, usually in patches, as a result of injury or irritation causing dilation of the blood capillaries.
3. Prognosis- the likely course of a disease or ailment.

This paper is telling us about what the symptoms of lupus are and what causes lupus and what exactly it is. Lupus is a chronic inflammatory disease that occurs when your body's immune system attacks your own tissues and organs. Lupus is more common in women then men. Nobody really knows why it is that way but it is. There are four types of lupus: systemic lupus erythematosus, discoid lupus erythematosus, drug-induced lupus erythematosus and neonatal lupus. As you can see there are many types but the most common and most serious is erythematosus. Lupus has many symptoms but the symptoms that you have depend on what body part is effected. Some of the symptoms of lupus are: fatigue, fever, weight loss or gain, joint pain, stiffness and swelling, butterfly-shaped rash on the face that covers the cheeks and bridge of the nose, skin lesions that appear or worsen with sun exposure, mouth sores, hair loss, (alopecia), fingers and toes that turn white or blue when exposed to cold or during stressful periods (Raynaud's phenomenon), shortness of breath, chest pain, dry eyes, easy bruising, anxiety, depression, and memory loss. Most of the people that have lupus have sudden break outs of it. Lupus is an autoimmune disease, which really just means that instead of it just attacking foreign substances, like bacteria and viruses, your immune system also attacks healthy tissue. Which is not good of course. Lupus can cause damage to certain parts of the body such as your joints, skin, kidneys, heart, lungs, blood vessels and your brain. The main point is that lupus is a bad disease that nobody wants to have and nobody need/should have but there are some people out there that do have it.

What I think of this site about lupus is that it really helped me understand a little more about lupus which at first I didn't know that there was only four types of lupus but now I know that and I feel a little more educated. To tell you the truth I didn't really know anything about lupus except that it causes you to get really bad sick and it can cause you to have a red rash on your face. The only reason why I knew this about lupus was because of my sister, Tasha, she has lupus and she has been in pretty bad shape but she is doing good now. I believe if you want to find out or more about lupus you should go to the site that I went to and you should find out a lot more.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

*Rabecca Miskimen* Anderson Cooper on Great Whites

The website you can go to to find this story about great whites is . This page was made on December 11, 2008. Wow, that was just a few days ago, 6 days to be exact.

There is three vocabulary words that I am not very sure about they are:
1. Teeming- be full of or swarming with.
2. Slaughtered- killed for food.
3. Delicacy- the quality of being delicate, in particular.

This article is about how Anderson Cooper went to Cape Town, South Africa to go see great white sharks sense they are so hard to find and follow. Great whites are not very known to scientists. In fact no scientist knows how great white sharks mate and give birth. All this was last August. Anderson had spent a week there doing all this. They wanted to get as close as possible to the great whites, and they teamed up with a shark expert named Mike Rutzen. The sharks were being killed for their fins which was used to make shark fin soup which is a particular dish in Asia. One great thing about the great white sharks is that they are a top predator in the sea, but if they disappear, the entire underwater ecosystem will be affected. So people need to stop killing them for soup.

What I think about this article is that it is a good story about Anderson Cooper when he went to Cape Town, South Africa to study great white sharks. To find more information about them. He wanted to get up and close and someday I want to do the same thing. I believe it would be really fun and awesome to see a great white in the ocean someday. This article tells the cold hard truth of how people can be so harsh to the ecosystem by killing animals that could soon hurt the others, including us.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Rabecca Miskimen (Hunting Forecast 2008)

The website that I went to get this story is on . This was in September of 2008, which wasn't that long ago. Matter of fact it was just last month. It is strange to think of that.

There are three vocabulary words in this article that I am not really sure of what they mean. They are:

1. Torrential- pouring in abundance.

2. Cyclical- recurring in cycles.

3. Prospects- chance; probability of advancement or success; hope; promise.

The Hunting Forecast 2008 article is talking about how the year has changed and about how the hunting season should turn out. It is about when what hunting seasons are, like the quail season it is Oct. 25-Feb. 22, and the pronghorns hunting season is Oct. 4-12. It also tells about the doves, pheasants, feral hogs, javelina, small game, mule deer, predators, bighorn sheep, white-tailed deer, rio grande turkeys, and the waterfowl. It was talking about ow it was a wet season last year and it didn't make things good. It just mainly talks about the hunting season for 2008. Like what the weather is going to be like and how the season might and might not turn out.
What I think about this article is that it helps people out by telling them when what season is and how it might turn out and if they should go hunting or not. It also helps them by telling them a little about each type of animal you can hunt. It is a very helpful article to all the hunters and people that want to become hunters. It helps them by letting them know a little bit about the different seasons and how they can and can't hunt them and when they can and can't hunt them.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Snake Vaccine for Dogs!

Where I got this story was from . The date of this story was January of 2008. That means it was just this year. Wow! It was almost 10 months ago.
Three words in this article that I don't know what they mean are:
1. Coiled- a length of something wound or arranged in a spiral or sequence of rings.
Scenario- a written outline of a movie, novel, or stage work giving details of the plot and individual scenes.
3. Anecdotal- (of an account) not necessarily true or reliable, because based on personal accounts rather than facts or research.
This article is about the vaccine that not necessarily cures dogs from the venom from snake bites for dogs but it sure does help a little to get it out of their system. The cure is a vaccine that is now available through local vets that may provide dogs with a certain amount of protection against rattlesnake venom. But there really are no promises to weather it will help them or not cause it depends on how much venom is in the dogs system. This vaccine works by having a component found in rattlesnake venom. It has been inactivated. Once it is in the dog's system it stimulates the dogs immune system to produce special antibodies. The antibodies then bind together to fight against the venom. The article explains how the vaccine works better then what I just said. Many veterinarians believe that the vaccine really does make a difference. The vaccine may not be able to cure it all the way but there is no way that the people can ignore the fact that there is some sort of a chance to help save the animal. If the dog is bitten and it is vaccinated then you should still take it to the nearest medical center because the vaccine doesn't help with the
Mojave rattlesnake bite because it is a neurotoxin and the vaccine helps with hemotoxic venom.
What I think about the situation in this article is that it was a very good idea to make the Snake vaccine for dogs because there are some if not many dogs that get bitten every year by rattlesnakes. I mean a hunter will probably take his dog hunting and there might be a rattlesnake around and the dog might get bitten so if he wasn't vaccinated then he could be in more danger then if he had been vaccinated. In the long run it is really better to get your dog vaccinated because it will help some and your dog will have a better chance at living then he would be without it. The vaccine is a super plus in my eyes. I love dogs. I wouldn't want anything to happen to my dog if it was me out there on a farm doing farming or hunting or just hanging out in my backyard. I would want to get my dog vaccinated so it would safer.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Bionic Woman Thoughts That is the link to the story. The date it was on was on Sept. 8, 2008.
The three vocabulary words
1. Prosthesis- an artificial body part. (In this case her arm)
2. Rehabilitation- restore (someone) to health or normal life by training and therapy after imprisonment, addiction, or illness.
3. Bionic- having artificial body parts, esp. electromechanical ones.
The Bionic Woman is about a lady that had got hurt in a motorcycle accident and had to get her arm amputated, but she thought they would only have to amputate her arm to the elbow but they had to go all the way up to the shoulder. Which made it worse for her because she would have no left arm. But hope came for her and the doctors found out that they could do a surgery called "targeted reinnervation". This surgery will let her have a robotic arm controlled not by her arm stump or shoulder, but by her thoughts. It ended up that it did not only control movement of her left arm and hand it also let her feel (ex: feel the warmth of something and feel if someone touched her but only if they touched her chest in the right place.)

What I think about the issue discussed in the article is that it is really crazy that someone would be able to touch and feel things with a robotic arm. It seems impossible, but apparently it isn't impossible. The lady in the article must have been so surprised when she felt warmth in her hand from the hot water when she was in the shower one day. I would have been. I probably would have freaked out and most likely i would have been really happy and immediately call the doctors to tell them. It is a great thing what the doctors did. They helped her in many ways. Most people would not think that being able to hold a book, write on a piece of paper, or just something as easy as getting a drink of water would make you so lucky to be able to do it. But it really is a great thing that we can use both of our arms without really having to think about it. When the woman lost her arm she could not hold a glass of water with her left arm because it was not there then she get a robotic arm and it is like the greatest thing that had happened to her. If I was her and had to get my arm amputated then I would go for the surgery to be able to do the things I could with my original arm.